About Witnesstoo’s Blog

Language and Culture Perspectives on Holy Scripture

The main page of this blog lists the latest post first, so going to the first Bible Pondering category post may give insight into my meandering walk … Quick link below, and an the introduction from that blog post:

I thought I’d start off this blog with an example of what led me to start researching into the cultures and languages of Biblical times.

First one has to consider “What is the value?” for doing such a thing. My pondering “the value” led to the thought that God’s Word is, in someways, like an onion: I can gaze upon the outside, use my other senses, and understand what an onion “is”. I can also peel back the layers slowly and experience what each offers. If I never peel back the layers, I still get to experience just what an onion “is”, with maybe the exception that it has layers inside. So, when we are talking about God breathed scripture, God’s Word is going to speak to your spirit when digested without all that extra digging. However, consider what the layers may offer: I can meet you briefly, we can dialog, and I can walk away with an understanding of “you” that can serve me well. However, if we meet and dialog frequently, I can gain a deeper understanding of “you” that will serve us both much better than the initial brief encounter. You and your encounter with God’s written Word is similar in that God will see you get the spiritual food you need, but sometimes an appropriate dessert, while not needful for our survival, is just too grand of a thing to pass up.

Pondering Culture and Language in Biblical Studies
About the Author and Host:

Well, folks, thought I would try out doing a web page again … has been many years since the last, so this is a learning experience.

First and most important is I am a Christian, a husband, father, grandfather, and a biker. A good part of this blog will likely be some recycled stuff from about 15 years of leading Bible Studies for bikers — We shall see.

My name is Chuck, also sometimes known as “witnesstoo” or “witness” within some of the biker community. I have been riding since the 1960’s, and riding with a patch of one kind or another since 1988. I am currently a member of Prodigals Redeemed Motorcycle Club. The views here are mine, and do NOT necessarily represent the views of my club or other members. I was born in 1953 (you can do the math), and I am currently retired. I spent about 8-1/2 years in the US Navy Nuclear Power program, then around 35 years in commercial nuclear power. I have been riding motorcycles most of my life — Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha, multiple Harley Davidson (everything from a 1967 to a 2008 model), a couple of Victory bikes, a Triumph Rocket III, Indian Roadmaster, and currently a MotoGuzzi V7 III and an Ural GearUp.

I have been using various releases of Linux since sometime in the 1990’s, and washed my hands of Windows OS at the release of a horrible version called WindowsME. I do dabble with Windows-10 to support some church activities on that platform, and to occasionally do some firmware stuff for my Sena Bluetooth motorcyclist helmet headsets. I tinker with RaspberriPi computer boards … running stuff like DNS servers, a VPN server, and Nextcloud server at home. Have also been tinkering with JitsiMeet video conference server. This is my first attempt at using WordPress for a web site, and it is currently hosted free by Oracle, we shall see how that works. My preferred flavors for Linux are all Debian based: Debian itself, Linux Mint (my preference for desktop with Cinnamon) and Ubuntu. The hosted VPS for this site is running on Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS.

I am not big on social media sites … but do have a facebook page — just look for witnesstoo. Also have a Twitter and some other useless accounts I never check.

On this site check out the following pages about Bible Pondering and Studies:

Want to contact me … see the Contact Page